What does that mean?

CrossFit Acronyms!

Did anyone tell you the hardest part of CrossFit is scoring at the end.. What is an AMRAP? What do you mean “For Time”?

WOD… What’s a WOD? RX… are they just making words up now?

One this page you will find common acronyms and what they mean.

CF: CrossFit

WOD: Workout of the Day


RX: As prescribed; as written. The WOD was completed without any adjustments or scaling.

Scaled: Changes made to the prescribed WOD.

Fitness: Beginner version of the RX WOD, done as prescribed for fitness.

Fitness Scaled: Changes made to the fitness version.



AMRAP: As many Reps (or Rounds & Reps) as possible

  • Reps: Repetitions

EMOM: Every minute on the minute

E3MOM: Every 3mins

RFT: Rounds For Time

FOR TIME: Time based scoring - time on clock when you finish the work.


SET: A group of work

ALT: Alternating

UB: Unbroken

BW: Body Weight

PB: Personal Best

GPP: General Physical Preparedness

DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness

RM: Rep Max. (1RM, 2RM, etc.) Load - the max weight/load you can move for the prescribed reps of that movement.

MR or Max. Reps: Max Repetitions - the max number of reps
you can do in a single movement

ME: Max Effort

ROM: Range of Motion

MOD: Modification

SUB: Substitute

KB: Kettlebell

DB: Dumbbell

BB: Barbell


P: Press (strict shoulder press)

PP: Push Press

PJ: Push Jerk

SJ: Split Jerk

G2O: Ground to Overhead

S2O: Shoulder to Overhead


RR: Ring Row

P/U: Pull-up

C2B: Chest To Bar Pull-up

MU: Muscle Up

BMU: Bar Muscle Up

RMU: Ring Muscle Up

BOR: Bent Over Row


SQ: Air Squat

BS: Back Squat

FS: Front Squat

OHS: Overhead Squat


BJ: Box Jump

BJO: Box Jump Over

BBJ: Burpee Box Jumps

BBJO: Burpee Box Jump Overs

B.o.B: Burpee Over Bar


DL: Deadlift

SDL: Sumo Deadlift

SDLHP: Sumo Deadlift High Pull

RDL: Romanian Deadlift


WL: Walking Lunge

FRL: Front Rack Lunge

BRL: Back Rack Lunge

OHL: Overhead Lunge


PC: Power Clean

SQC: Squat Clean

HPC: Hang Power Clean

HSQC: Hang Squat Clean

C&J: Clean & Jerk


SN: Snatch

PSN: Power Snatch

SQ SN: Squat Snatch

HPSN: Hang Power Snatch

HSQ SN: Hang Squat Snatch


PU: Push-up

HRPU: Hand Release Push Up

HS: Handstand

HSPU: Handstand Push-up

HSW: Handstand Walk


T2B: Toes to Bar

K2E: Knees to Elbow

TTEL: Toes to Eye Level

KR: Knee Raises

SU: Sit Ups

GHD: Glute Ham(string) Developer


KBS: KettleBell Swing

TH: Thruster

WB: Wall Ball

CAL: Calories (row, ski, bike, etc.)

‘m’: meters (row, ski, bike, etc.)

BP: Bench Press


DU: Double Under

SU: Single Under


FGB: Fight Gone Bad

DNF: Did Not Finish

CFT: CrossFit Total


Gymnastics (G): movements that involve body weight

Monostructural (M): Cyclical activity with locomotion, otherwise things known traditionally as “cardio”.

Weightlifting (W): you plus any external load


Task Priority (FOR TIME): Workout format where task is set, score is time i.e. 21, 15, 9  rounds for time
Time Priority: Workout format where time is set, score is work i.e. AMRAP


Single Modality: one movement

Couplet: two movements

Triplet: three movements

Chipper: 4 or more movements in a work out

ERG: usually referring to the rowing machine or ski machine


The “Girls”: A series of benchmark workouts created by CFHQ that are universally known among the CF community.
The “Heroes”:  A Hero workout is a tribute workout in honor of a fallen CrossFitter (either Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, Firefighter, Police officer) that died in the line of duty. They are tough and among the most difficult of WOD’s.