Nutrition Basics - let’s keep it simple!

Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO sugar.

Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.

Looking for somewhere to start?

Look at your plate at each meal, does it include veggies and a balance of protein, fats, carbs?

The guide below uses your hands to get an idea of portion control & size. As it is a guide, be flexible and adjust as needed:

Meat/Protein - size of your palm
Veggies - size of your clenched fist
Carbs - size of your cupped hand
Fat - size of your thumb

*Men x2 of the above.

Examples of favourable foods:

Protein - Meat, Eggs, Tofu
Veggies - If its GREEN - GO FOR IT! You could also include eg. Cauliflower, Onion and Mushrooms here!
Carbs - Carrot, Pumpkin, Corn, Potato, Sweet Potato
Fat - Nuts and Nut Butters, Avocado, Butter, Olive Oil

Have a look at The Zone Diet if you are after a bit more info.


If you want to track your food with a calorie tracking app to really understand your macros and calories, there are various apps you can use, our favourite is Easy Diet Diary (Australian Calorie Counter) on Apple or Android.

We encourage our members to eat enough food to support exercise and daily functioning, we do NOT recommend excessive calorie restrictions as a way to lose weight.


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